Mendon Ponds Park Score-O | 2019-08-10 |
results | created by Ór |
51 Starts
We had a fabulous weather day for orienteering today at Mendon Ponds Park.
Between the Score-o and beginner's course there were a total of 51 starts.
We welcomed many new faces and families and hope to see them all back again
very soon!
Thanks to Rob for designing and Mike for setting the great courses today.
Thanks to Rukhsana and Ed for handling registration. Thanks to Tyler and
Mike for running timing. Thanks to Anne for setting up our feast of snacks
including the yummy watermelon! Thanks to Gary, Pete, Ed, Bill and Doug
for picking up controls. Thanks to Don for providing instruction to our
many newcomers!
And thanks to everyone who helped out in some other unofficial way such as
Chris with map handout, Carl with setting up our banner, Mitch taking down
a banner and Doug setting out road signs! Being meet director is a breeze
with such a great group of volunteers!
Heidi Hall (meet director)