Rotary Sunshine Camp2017-04-30
resultscreated by Ór

White | Yellow | Orange | Brown | Green | Red
Attackpoint | Winsplits | RouteGadget
49 Starts A few weeks before the event we still had no course setter. Lindsay Worner stepped up and designed some great courses. On the day of the event, we woke up to thunder, torrential rain, and cold weather. By the time we reached the camp, the rain and thunder had departed, but it was still cold. A fireplace in one end of the enormous barn did little to warm it up, but eventually the weather (outside at least) turned pleasant. The faithful who showed up were rewarded with challenging courses and open woods. The terrain is pretty flat. Which meant we didn’t have to climb, but there were few distinct features to help with location. The second leg on the brown course was about a mile long. This provided a challenge we don’t usually see on this shorter course: choosing a route and staying in contact with the map (or relocating!) over a long distance with no controls to verify the location. As usual, a squad of volunteers made the meet run smoothly. Course setter Lindsay Worner, with help from Dick Detwiler Greeter: Laurie Hunt Food: Anne Schwartz Registration: Patty Borden, Nancy Burgey, Heidi Hall Maps: Dick Detwiler E-punch: Tyler Borden, Doug Hall Flag pickup: Mike Alexander, Richard Burgey, Gary Maslanka, Jason Urckfitz, Lindsay Worner.
1Anna TurinskyF-12ROC17:44
2Sarah TurinskyF-12ROC21:29
3Nancy BurgeyF60+ROC35:44
1Turinsky FamilyT4ROC51:42
2Susanne AllenRec 137:58
Frances Bary, Ishai NardiaT2 DNF
Patty BordenF50+ROCDNF
1Carolyn OrrF40+ROC62:08
2Bethany CloningerRec 101:16
Hale Pietropaolo groupT6 DNF
1Kim Abell, Paul ManleyT2ROC45:06
2Bob BundyM70+ROC57:50
3Dayle LavineF70+ROC65:30
4Richard BurgeyM70+ROC74:25
5April MillerF50+ROC86:36
6Anne SchwartzF60+ROC97:49
7Laurie HuntF60+ROC101:14
8Rick LavineM70+ROC103:10
1Todd SheehanM50+ROC56:27
2Zack ButlerM40+ROC57:31
3Chad BordenM-21+ROC68:40
4Tyler BordenM-21+ROC74:01
5Michael LyonsM50+ROC81:18
6Timothy HahnT3CNYO84:28
7Evghenii VorsinT3CNYO84:35
8Don WinslowM50+ROC99:15
9Heidi HallF40+ROC104:23
Kelly UrkfitzF50+ROCDNF
John CouranM-21+ROCDNF N/C
Elizaveta VorsinT3CNYODNF
Dick DetwilerM60+ROC64:47 N/C
1Jason UrckfitzM-21+ROC43:19
2Tom RycroftM40+ROC46:29
3Tim DobretsovM-16ROC50:13
4Sergey DobretsovM40+ROC50:37
5Greg SchmidtM-21+ROC51:17
6John CouranM-21+ROC52:36
7Joseph Shayka, David VickersT2ROC60:47
8Mitch CollinsworthM50+ROC61:06
9Erin RycroftF-21+ROC64:24
10Mark SalasM40+ROC65:52
11Russell NordquistM-21+ROC66:59
12David LevineM50+BFLO69:35
13Gary MaslankaF60+ROC71:51
14John SawykoM-21+ROC71:52
15Eric BarbehennM40+ROC83:17
16Joel ShoreM50+ROC91:14
17Michael AlexanderM40+ROC92:06
18Soren LindahlM50+ROC98:14